Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Saturn's Rings

Recorded circa 1999 in the Burch Ave house in Durham, NC. Analog tape. Mixed 2008 on a computer.

The Torch Marauder had let Joyce and I borrow his drums and in a fit of youthful confidence (aka arrogance) I thought I could bash out a song on them. I distinctly remember being quite proud of myself that I'd gotten through the whole song. Well, until I played back the result and heard the kick drum was late on every single hit. Thoroughly disgusted, I never listened to this song again until last month. This remains one of the only times I've ever recorded myself playing drums. In retrospect, it's really not that terrible. It's clear I never got around to finishing the guitar parts and the click track is somewhat obnoxiously bleeding from the headphones in the quiet bits, but there is a certain meandering charm to the whole thing.

The idea to have the reverb for the electric guitar precede the actual guitar is a new idea I had mixing this down. This is made possible by this very simple js plugin that I wrote. When I got to the end of mixing I realized I had accidentally slowed down playback by somewhere between 5 and 10%. Oops. I decided I liked it better slow than at the original speed, so it stays like that.

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